Groundhog Nights MF creampie oral swallow

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

July 8, 2015

Please read my Explicit Disclaimer before you read my work.

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Chapter 13: A Nice Surprise

Chapter Cast:

Quinn, Male, 41
- Narrator, project manager, father of Tera
- 6'0, beige skin, 190lbs, wavy blonde-brown hair a few inches long
Tera, Female, 15
- High School Freshman, daughter of Quinn
- 5'7, pale-beige skin, 135lbs, shoulder-length bright copper-red hair
Molly, Female, 25-29
- Waitress at Moe's
- 5'8, beige skin, 150lbs, dirty-blonde curly shoulder-length hair

Day 1.044

What does it mean to forgive oneself? How does someone find the strength and courage to do so? All the philosophical thoughts on morality seem to have missed my situation. What harm I caused was removed from the memories and experiences of those I harmed. My seconds between seven-year old Jacey's legs had been deleted from the history of the world, except in my brain. And I hated that I still found it arousing.

My close night with Tera had set my mind on a path to try to find forgiveness. If no one else in the world knew what I'd done, I couldn't seek it from anyone else. I had to find a way to forgive myself.

It felt selfish, to be honest. A 'Get Out of Jail Free' card that I only had to issue to myself. Living in a world where the consequences of my actions were limited and then lost, it was much harder to make the same choices I would have made otherwise.

But there were hard lines, and that gave me some strength. I wouldn't rape anyone, wouldn't coerce any action. I felt comfortable knowing that those were not on the table. Consent was arousing to me, knowing that the woman, or girl, that I was with wanted to be with me turned me on, and the idea that a woman didn't was quickly deflating.

There was a certain bending around prostitutes, to be sure, but I held no moral concerns about paying a woman who wished to trade her body and then using her service as it was intended. So long as she took cash for whatever I requested, her otherwise 'interest' in me was not all that important.

I'd never had a taste for prostitutes, and hiring Shawna and Bobbi were exceptions to what I usually desired. I liked new relationship energy, that vibration that stays with you when you first meet and connect with someone. I loved romance, soft touches, and the build up to intimacy. In many ways, the only woman I'd been with since being stuck whose relationship with me represented what I liked most was Tera.

All the others had been, in one way or another, the result of my situation. I couldn't build relationships with anyone for longer than one night. That was true of Tera, as well, but as I learned more about her and her feelings for me, she grew on me deeply. Since I saw Tera every day, it was even harder to resist than what I'd begun to feel for Abby and Juliet. Even somewhat Kylie, at least before the night she caught me licking Jacey's genitals. Like everything else, she had 'forgotten,' but I still remembered.

So, while I sporadically added to my own view of relationships with others, I constantly grew fonder of Tera. Sharing with her my experiences the night before had been relieving. Even though she knew nothing again that morning, leaning against the counter in her underwear, I'd been able to tell someone.

And what it had led to, the kisses with my daughter, cuddling with her naked body against mine, had been the best moments of my life. I wanted to relive the feel of her soft skin on mine, and I knew I could do so most any time.

I just needed to find a way to forgive myself, and the only course which felt right involved two things: not pursing my daughter sexually, and, being selfless. The first I felt I could do, at least for a while. I was determined not to move down that path until I felt worthy of Tera. That would be enough to give me the distance I needed there.

For the other, I was uncertain what to do. I'd been an asshole to Shawna, certainly to Shelly, and I'd spent several weeks doing little more than seeking my own pleasure. Yeah, I enjoyed sex where the woman was aroused, I always wanted them to cum, to feel their own pleasure. But I hadn't sought out Yvette or Juliet or any of the others to bring them pleasure. It was all about me.

After slashing Curt's tires, I convinced Tera to have a date night with me. She wore the loose-hanging red dress that made her look much older than fifteen, carefully placed makeup drawing out the lines around her lipstick-enhanced mouth and adding a glow to her pale, freckled cheeks.

I shaved and put on my nicest suit. Tera repeated her comment from days earlier, “overdress much?”

I smiled at my daughter and kissed her cheek. “No such thing when spending time with the most beautiful woman in the world.” She blushed slightly, but I could tell that she appreciated the comment.

I thought about taking us to Bruno's again, to relive the wonderful perfect dates we'd had previously. Instead, when Tera suggested we head to Moe's, I agreed. Moe's was more our style, really. A laid-back, casual pizza place we'd frequented over the years. It wasn't spectacular, catering more to working families than the privileged class which went to Bruno's, but we always enjoyed the food and the time spent there together.

Moe's was packed when we arrived, so we waited outside for a table to free up. After a moment of silence, Tera spoke up. “What do I have to do to meet a nice guy, Dad?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like... tonight, when Curt was on the phone. He was a jerk, Dad. Like, I didn't do anything to him. He just blew up at me after I asked if he still wanted to hang out tonight. I'm not going out with him after that. Not ever.”

I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she slid against me, resting her head against my chest. “You're fifteen, Tera. Trust me, you'll meet a lot of guys like Curt in your life, and they aren't always easy to identify. Assholes sometimes seem to be nice guys until you let them get close, then they show their true natures. I suspect Curt was that sort of guy, right?”

She shrugged, “yeah, I guess. I mean... he's usually nice and all, but... I guess I have seen him be a jerk to people at school. Like... he thinks he's better than everyone else. He's always sweet to me, but...”

“He just wants to get into your pants?”

Tera chuckled. “Blunt, Dad. But... I guess...”

“That happens a lot, unfortunately.”

“So how do I figure out who is a nice guy and who is a jerk?”

I thought a moment. “Well... it isn't always clear. The nice guys are the ones who make you feel good for being you, who are happy to spend time with you just to be with you. Nice guys want to make you feel special, not just to get in your pants, but because they're nice guys.”

“How can I tell which is which?”

I shook my head. “No easy way, unfortunately.” I kissed Tera's forehead, swept her beautiful coppery strands from her face. “Protect yourself. Don't get drawn in quickly. See how a guy treats other people, especially people who are vulnerable or who might be easy targets. Bullies like Curt pick on others in ways which might seem good natured or just fun ribbing, but I'm sure you've noticed him doing things which made other people feel bad, right?”

She was silent a moment, then replied, “yeah. I guess I have seen him make fun of a lot of people. He just laughs it off, but I'm pretty sure he's hurt Trent's feelings a few times. Trent's gay, if I hadn't told you that.” It was the first I'd heard of Trent. “Curt picks on him. Trent kinda laughs it off, too, but... thinking about it now, I bet he is just trying not to make it worse for himself. God, Dad. Curt's an asshole. It's not just Trent. I can think of many other times I've seen him be mean. I can't believe I almost went out with him!”

“Don't sweat it, sweetheart. Most of us have a Curt or two in our lives at some point. The best you can do is recognize it and keep the Curts of the world from bring you down with them.”

Tera was silent a moment. “Mom was a Curt, wasn't she...”

I felt that old wound festering deep inside. “Not at first. But... she was a narcissist. I didn't really notice it when things were going good, you know, the first few years together. But when times were harder, she was self-centered and controlling. It's not so much that she treated just anyone like shit... it was mostly me... and you... I'm sorry for that, Tera. I'm sorry she did that to you, especially the last couple of years she was with us...”

Tera wrapped an arm around my waist and squeezed me. “Don't be. I didn't really notice it either. It was just... normal, I guess. I'm really happy I have you, Dad... I know how lucky I am...”

I squeezed my daughter. “Well... at least she did one thing right. She helped me bring you into my life. No matter what else went wrong, that makes up for it all.”

Tera looked up at me briefly and smiled. “I suppose.” Her smile faded. “I never want to see her again.”

I nodded slowly. “That makes two of us.”

We stood in silence a moment before the hostess poked her head out the door and ushered us to a booth. Moments later, our order for a large cheese and fresh tomato pizza was in, and we sat quietly sipping our sodas.

It was odd to think about hangovers in that moment. Typically, I'd have ordered a pitcher of beer to go with my meal. Moe's had two kinds, piss-water, and piss-water light. Still, with greasy pizza, it worked just fine. Instead, that night I'd ordered a soda, the memory of all the bourbon the night before fresh in my mind.

But it wasn't due to a hangover. I never woke up with a hangover in my loop, never seemed more groggy than usual, at least physically. No matter what I did, the reboot seemed to put my body, beard and all, back to the state it was in that first night. Depending on what had happened the previous day or days, I might feel more or less depressed or anxious or excited, but physically, nothing seemed to change.

I sipped my soda and thought that maybe I needed a break from the alcohol, especially when trying to redeem myself in front of my daughter. My desperate explanation from the night before, the moments spent holding Tera, our naked flesh touching, my penis hard and throbbing against her pale, smooth skin, was lost from her memory. But it was fresh in mine, as was the shame and disgust for myself from my actions with seven-year old Jacey and her five-year old sister. I sipped my soda and swallowed a knot of self-disappointment that I was growing erect at the memory of Jacey's smooth vulva.

I glanced around the room. Every table was full, the chatter voluminous in the small space. I watched a young white woman as she spoon-fed a mocha-skinned toddler, two other young children in the booth with her chewing on large slices of pizza. A tired-looking black man stared blankly at his half-eaten slice of cheese and pepperoni next to the kids.

Tera followed my eyes to the family of five and looked on a moment, then said, “what, Dad?”

I shook my head. “Just thinking about doing something nice for a change.”

My daughter looked at me oddly a moment but said nothing.

I reached into my pocket and wrapped my fist around the cash, then said, “be right back.”

I stood and walked up to the cash register, then waited a moment before the short, older lady with a name tag reading 'Helen' caught my eye. “Can I help you?”

“Listen,” I said, “this is going to sound odd, but I want to pay everyone's tab for the rest of the night.”

Her eyes raised doubtfully. “You and the girl?” She glanced to where Tera sat watching us. “Sure, big spender. I'm sure she'll appreciate it.”

I laughed and shook my head. “No, you don't understand.” I pulled out two thousand dollars and put it on the counter. “I want to pay for everyone here, and anyone else who comes in tonight. If that doesn't cover it, just let me know. Just, when it is time to give someone the bill, take it out of this.”

Helen eyed the money a moment, clearly not buying that I was sincere. “I need to get my manager. Wait a moment.” She strode back towards the small office in the rear of the building and disappeared. Less than a minute later, she returned with another woman following her.

The second woman introduced herself. “I'm Terry, night manager of Moe's. So what is it you want to do?”

I explained to her, “I'm just trying to do something really nice for folks tonight. I have cash,” I showed her the two grand I'd offered Helen. “I want to take care of everyone's bills for the rest of the night. Just want to do something nice...”

Clearly, there was something suspicious about what I suggested, and Terry's eyes narrowed, matching Helen's. “This a joke, or, you break into a bank or something?”

I shook my head, “nothing of the sort. Look,” I said, nodding towards Tera, “I'm here with my daughter tonight, and we're both having a bit of a rough day. I wanted to do something that made us feel better, and I'd like to help some other people, like that family over there.” I nodded this time to the interracial couple and their children. “They could use a break, and it would make me feel really good to help them out.”

Terry seemed to accept that explanation. “That's really kind of you. Alright, so what do you want me to do with what's left over?”

“Tip out everyone working here. In fact, here,” I gathered another thousand dollars and added it to the stack, “make sure all your employees get a fair share and have some extra take home tonight.”

I could see Helen's eyes widening at the thought that she, too, might get a nice tip out of the cash.

Terry finally took the three thousand dollars from my hand. “And what do you want for doing this? I could get you and your daughter a couple of t-shirts or something.”

I shook my head. “Nothing, thanks. Just, you and your employees and your customers... just help everyone have a good night here. And I'm not looking for thanks from those eating here, alright? No need to tell them who took care of it.”

I could see that Terry was overwhelmed by my actions. She shook her head, smiling, “well... we don't get this sort of thing every night. Thank you, uh...?”


“Thank you, Quinn. On behalf of everyone, thank you.” She turned to Helen. “I'll let the staff know what's going on. Looks like the checks are paid, so let the customers know they've been covered.”

Terry walked off and I saw her talk to the waitress who had taken my order. I returned to my seat across from Tera, my daughter's head cocked. “What was all that about?”

Before I could explain, our waitress, Molly, rushed over. “Oh my gosh. Thank you! Did you really just pay for everyone here?”

I nodded. “We did.” I winked at Tera. “And make sure you and the other employees get your share of the tip. Should be plenty to go around.”

Molly was certainly beyond college age, but the bags under her eyes and the way she held herself had suggested she was younger than she looked, and I guessed she was probably in her late-20s. Her dirty-blond hair was pulled back into a ragged pony tail, and probably hadn't been trimmed in months. When she smiled at me, though, I knew it was genuine appreciation. “Thank you so much! I don't know what to say... Can I get you two anything?”

I looked at Tera. She shrugged then shook her head. I replied, “not a thing until our pie is done. We'd love a shaker of garlic powder when it's ready, though.”

“I'll get that for you right now. Thanks so much!” Molly walked off much taller than she had the first time she'd visited our table, and I could see the three other servers eyeing us with amazed expressions.

Tera spoke up, “so... you paid for everyone's bill?”

“We did, yes.”


I paused a moment and glanced back at the family of five. “See those folks? What do you see when you look at that man's face?”

Tera's eyes drew to his tired expression a moment, then she said. “He looks worn out.”

“Exactly. He and his wife have three young kids, probably working full time, rarely gets to enjoy a moment with his family. Even now, on a friday night where they have the time and money to go out for a pizza together, he's having a hard time enjoying it. The woman, too, you can tell she's got her hand full with those kids, especially the toddler, and I'd bet she's doing that on top of a job, as well.”

Tera said, “so, we're helping them out tonight...”

“Yes. It's not much, really, not in the grand scheme, but... at least for one night, the world isn't kicking them in the ass or rushing them off to the next responsibility. Doesn't it make you feel good to be able to do that for someone else?”

Tera smiled, “yeah. It really does.” She looked at me, and for just a second too long, our eyes locked together. “You're a nice guy, Dad. Some lucky woman is going to find you one day...”

Before I could think, the words, “maybe she already has...” slipped from my mouth.

“What's this?” Tera asked suddenly. “You've met someone?”

I debated how to respond. In the end, I tried to be honest without getting too deep into the real heart of my feelings. “I meant you, Tera. I've got you already, what more could I need?”

Her one-second hesitation belied the conflicted feelings I knew she held inside. “R-right, Dad. I meant, you know... a girlfriend... or wife or something...”

“I know what you meant. I'd take you any day.”

She blushed slightly. “Jeez, Dad,” she put on her over-the-top sensual expression, “you make a girl want to put out after all this...”

I smiled at her, realizing I was becoming more comfortable stepping closer and closer to the truth while we pretended to joke about an incestuous relationship. “Maybe a fella might like that...”

Tera stared at me with a mix of interest and embarrassment just a moment before she laughed. Our pizza arrived before she could respond. We quickly dug into the tasty, greasy pie.

I saw the family of five ask for their check, then watched as the waitress explained that it had already been paid. The man looked at his wife, and I could tell they didn't fully understand. I heard him say, “who paid for it?”

The waitress paused, then smiled, “just someone who wanted you to have a nice evening.”

The man was stoic a moment, then as he glanced at his children, he started to cry. He finally said loudly above the din, “thank you!” His wife hugged him, then shared his broadening smile.

Tera and I were growing misty ourselves. I smiled at my daughter as she took in the scene. “Thanks, Dad, for letting me be part of this...”

“Feels good, doesn't it? To see someone get a nice surprise instead of a bad one? Wish I could do that for everyone, all the time.”

“Me too... They don't know what to think, but I can tell they are so thankful...”

Even though I knew it would be lost the next day, I found myself saying, “live your life like that, Tera. Try to take care of other people when you can. You have to look out for yourself first, but whenever you find yourself with an opportunity to do good... do it.”

Tera sat down her pizza and slid around the booth, wrapping her arms around me. “I will. I promise. Kinda like... like you did for me... when Mom went crazy...”

“You're the most important person in the world to me, Tera. I hope I always do what's best for you. I promise I'll try.”

“I love you, Dad.”

“I love you, Tera.”

- - -

We saw that scene play out in different ways as we finished our meal. Some people just shrugged and moved on with their evening, others were openly touched by what we'd done. Twice, Molly gushed her thanks to us as she refilled our drinks. At one point, Tera excused herself to the restroom and Molly settled into the seat across from me. She looked closely at my left hand.

She surprised me when she said, “can I do something nice for you?”

I eyed her, didn't respond.

“Look, I get off in an hour. Maybe you'd like to get a drink?” The way she looked at me said she had more in mind. “I'd really like to buy you a drink.”

I replied. “I'm flattered, really. I'm out with my daughter tonight, though. Perhaps another night?”

I could tell Molly was disappointed, but she smiled any way. “Sure, I'd like that. Can I give you my number?”

I nodded and she wrote it on a napkin, handing it to me just as Tera returned. Molly slipped off as Tera slid in.

“What was that about?”

“Oh, uh... Molly was just... asking me out... She wanted to get a drink with me tonight.”

Tera's expression was unreadable. “You going, then?”

“No, not tonight. I told her we were hanging together, perhaps some other time.”

Tera was silent a while, and I wondered if she was jealous. She finally said, “I think you should, Dad.”

“What, go have a drink with Molly?”

“Yeah. I mean... how long has it been since you've had a date?”

In Tera's timeline, I didn't lie. “A very long time.”

“Go out with her.”

I shook my head. “But you and I are spending time together tonight. I don't want to go do something and leave you home by yourself. I'll go another time.”

“Dad,” she said quietly, “remember how you were just telling me to do nice things for others when I get the chance? Well, I want to do something nice for you. Please, I'm ok. I've had a great night with you, seeing you being so kind to everyone. I'd actually like to go home and take a bath and maybe read a while. Please, do something for yourself for a change.”

I hesitated, but gave in. “If you're sure...”

“I am.”

I smiled at her, and it was my turn to move to her side of the booth. “Thank you, Tera. You're a wonderful person. I'm so lucky to have you.”

- - -

I dropped Tera off at our house a short time later. I'd let Molly know that I'd changed my mind and would return when she was due to leave work. Before stepping out of my car, Tera turned back to me with a grin on her face. “If she wants to be really nice to you... let her...”

I laughed, put on a fake expression of uncertainty, “oh really, my dear? And you won't be jealous?”

Tera chuckled. “Jealous, yes.” Her expression softened. “But happy for you, if that happens...”

I kissed her cheek and hugged her again, “thank you, Tera.”

“Love you, Dad.”

- - -

“I've had a really long shift. Would you mind terribly if I wanted to run home and shower?” Molly asked as we stood outside Moe's, her shift ending just moments before.

“Not a bit. I'm in no rush.”

She smiled and thanked me, agreed to meet me downtown at a new wine bar called Grapa. I drove there and got us a high-top table near the front.

I didn't recognize Molly when she sat down an hour later. Her hair was hanging damp and loose around her shoulders, loose curls of blonde and light brown shimmering. Her face was shining from fresh makeup, and the sparkle in her blue eyes went perfectly with her smile. She wore a simple light-blue spaghetti-strap dress down to her mid-thighs, a pair of mid-heel, open-toed shoes completing her outfit.

“Wow, you look amazing,” I said.

“Thanks. You look amazing, yourself.”

“I've never been here, decent place?”

She nodded, “yeah. I've been a couple of times with friends. Great selection, if you like wine.”

“I do.” I looked over the menu, “what do you suggest?”

“There's a smoky Malbec that just calls to me right now. Sound good?”


She ordered a bottle from our waiter, then leaned forward. “That was a really, really nice thing you did, Quinn. I can't tell you how many of my tables were overwhelmed by it. The other waitresses and I split the tip with Helen and the hosts...” she started to choke up a bit. “It was really kind of you...”

I smiled at her. “Just felt like it was time to do something like that for other people. Sometimes... sometimes I get too caught up in myself...” Thoughts of Jacey and Shawna swam through my mind before I pushed them back down into the background. “Just feels good, you know? That family in the booth near us... I could just see how beaten down they looked. I wondered what they'd been struggling with, what would help ease their existence. It's a small thing, really, paying for a meal... wish I could do more.”

“I think,” Molly replied, “it was a bigger thing than you admit. To them, it made a huge difference in their night. Did you see the way the man cried? That was no small thing.”

“You're right.”

“Why'd you do it, Quinn? I mean, why really?”

I shrugged, “like I said, I just felt like I needed to do something for others. Something nice.”

“Was that your daughter with you, the young redhead?”

“Yes. Tera. She's my world.”

“What a great lesson to give her. What you did... she'll remember that, I bet.” I knew that wasn't true, but I said nothing. “I bet you're a great dad.”

“I do my best.”

“So... got a wife? Girlfriend?” She again eyed my left hand.

“None. Ex-wife. She's been gone a few years. Just me and Tera these days.”

“Ah... so no one gonna get jealous that I'm buying you wine?” she said with a grin.

“Just Tera.” Molly laughed, not understanding how honest I was being. “No, no one. I've not had time for relationships since my ex left, not with raising my daughter and work.” The waiter returned with our wine and poured us glasses.

“Mmm... I love this one so much,” Molly replied, a very sensual tone in her voice. “What do you think?”

“Lovely,” I replied. “Very nice.”

We sipped quietly a moment, then I asked, “so what about you, boyfriend? Husband?”

“Neither. Never been married, no steady guy for a few years. And no kids, thankfully. No offense, just never had much patience for them and I work so much I'd never find time to raise them right.”

“So what do you do for fun?”

“Besides drinking wine with attractive strangers?” She watched me until I laughed, then she joined me. “I paint, acrylics and oils and such. I like to hike up by the lake, sometimes I take long drives just to go somewhere. I kinda lead a boring life, really. Mostly, I work.”

“I know that feeling. When did we get to the point of forgetting how to have fun?”

“I dunno,” Molly replied. “Not sure when that happened for me. I used to like to party, to go out a few nights a week, that sort of thing. Now... I just never find the time. I've always got some legit reason to be too busy.”

“Kinda sucks getting older.”

“Easy, Quinn,” Molly said with a grin, “I'm not getting older yet.”

I laughed. “You're right. I meant me, of course.”

We finished the bottle of wine fairly quickly and ordered another. I learned that Molly had graduated with a degree in social work, but had found jobs in her field scarce. She'd worked in a human resources department for a local company before it went out of business, moved around to a few jobs before finally taking the waitressing gig at Moe's. “Believe it or not, it pays better than most of the other places I've worked. Moe takes care of us there, decent wage and the tips are pretty good. I'm saving up to start an art store. One of these days...”

We were nearing our last swallows of wine when Molly leaned across the table and took my hand, staring at it and stroking it softly. She said quietly, “I'm having a really nice time, Quinn.”

“Me too.”

She looked me in the eyes. “Would you like to go back to my place?”

“I'd love to.”

She leaned further across the table and I met her lips with mine, savoring the way the smoky wine tasted in her mouth. Molly purred lightly before pulling back. “Good.”

I suggested, “how about I call a cab. I don't think we're in any shape to drive.”

“Sounds good.”

We had enough time to sample a glass of house Cabernet before the cab pulled up. Molly was good to her word and paid our bill. I was tempted to do it myself, but she'd been insistent about wanting to do something nice for me, so I didn't protest.

We climbed into the back of the cab and Molly gave the older man her address. As the car pulled away from the curb, Molly leaned into me, and for the fifteen minute ride to her place a few miles north of town, we shared wet kisses, our hands slowly moving along necklines and across shoulders.

By the time we pulled up at her small, one-story on a dark cul-de-sac, my cock was rock hard, and I could smell the arousal wafting up from between Molly's slightly-parted legs. I slipped the driver a hundred and told him to keep it as we climbed out.

Molly wasted no time leading me into the house and into her bedroom. We shared a kiss as her hands drifted down to my groin. Her fingers slipped down my zipper and she pulled my dick out of my slacks. I caressed her small breasts through her dress top before quickly sliding the straps from her shoulders, the dress dropping to the floor and leaving her pale body covered only in a lacy black bra and thin panties.

I could smell the excitement on her skin. A warm, pungent, aroused smell rose from her genitals as her fingers played along my length. Molly moaned each time I slid past her tight, pink nipples, then sighed as I kissed and licked her neck and cheek.

She pushed me to sit on the edge of the bed and drew down my pants and underwear, then slid between my legs. My penis was throbbing against her tongue in no time. There was no urgency, though. Molly worked her lips up and down my shaft, making love to my cock with her mouth, drawing me closer and closer to release much faster than I expected.

I ran my hands through her silky, dirty-blonde hair, felt her moans vibrate through my groin. Molly knew what she was doing as she slowly sucked me, swallowing the precum which ran liberally from the tip of my dick. Her fingers caressed my balls carefully, gently playing them as her saliva drooled down over my skin. Molly massaged her spit into my flesh, and the sensations had me on the edge.

“Oh... Molly... gonna cum...”

“Mmm-hmm...” she drew off my cock just long enough to say, “cum in my mouth, Quinn...” then took me between her lips again, sucking me deliberatly. Up and down, she stroked my flesh, and I felt myself burning and swelling in her mouth.

“Ohhh... ohhh... yes... Oh, Molly... Ohhhh...” Semen rushed out of my cock and flooded her mouth in a long burst. The woman continued to move up and down, moaning as she started to swallow my cum. Two, three strong jets of sperm splashed into her mouth and she swallowed those quickly, never stopping her movement.

Usually, I get really sensitive after cumming in a woman's mouth, but Molly managed to keep blowing me as she swallowed my load, giving me just enough stimulation to keep me hard but not enough to make me push her away.

Moments later, my orgasm was long gone, the sperm from my balls in Molly's stomach. I pulled her head off my cock and saw the pleasure in her eyes. I knew it had made her feel good to suck me to orgasm, to swallow my cum like that. I kissed her deeply and pulled her up, pushing her onto the edge of the bed. “Your turn...”

Molly settled back, pushing a pillow under her head so that she could watch as I spread her legs and gazed at her lovely pussy. She had trimmed her pubes, but still had an arousing mat of light-brown curls on her vulva. Her labia were thin and reddish-pink, swollen and wet from arousal. Her clit was hard, fairly large for her size, easily rising up above the fleshy hood and begging to be licked.

I inhaled Molly's scent and shivered in arousal as the aroma from her pussy settled into my body. She was ripe like a pungent peach, a bit florally like jasmine, and there was a hint of delicate, wonderful fishiness that was uniquely Molly.

“You are so sexy, Molly, such a lovely pussy...”

“Taste me...”

I did as commanded. My tongue drew slowly through her slightly-parted labia, her slickness creamy and rich. I did it again, and again, Molly moaning with pleasure as the flavors from her genitals coated my tongue. She tasted horny, aroused, excited. Her wetness began to drool down from her swelling vulva, her vagina opening with each pass of my tongue. I darted inside and heard her moan louder.

I moved to her straining clit, and in just a few circling motions, it throbbed, swelled, and Molly climaxed on my face. I didn't stop my movements, slipping inside her vagina, then sliding back to her large, hard clit. Moments later, as her pungent cream flowed freely into my mouth, Molly came again, then said breathlessly, “fuck me, Quinn...”

I rose over her, only briefly thought about the fact that I didn't have a condom. I saw her eyes dart to my bare cock, then back at my face. She repeated herself. “Fuck me, Quinn...”

I slid the head of my dick along her slit, her body shuddering as I moved through her genitals. I sank my cock slowly into Molly's body, her vagina slick and rather tight. Halfway in, I stopped and pulled back, then pushed in again, sinking fully into the woman's lovely cunt.

I moved over her, my dick buried in Molly's vagina, and we kissed as I caressed her small, firm breasts. I started to make love to her the way she had sucked my cock. I slid out until the head of my cock was just inside her pussy, then gently pushed back inside. Her creamy discharge was already streaking my shaft.

“Oh, Quinn... oh...” Molly wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me tightly to her, settling her face against my neck, her legs rising to wrap around my waist.

It was an amazing fuck. Each movement sent us both to shiver and moan in pleasure. In and out, I slowly fucked Molly, made love to her with every movement. She came again so easily, softly this time, her channel tightening, nearly forcing me out, two or three bursts of fluid spraying out around my penetration to drip down over her ass.

Molly's eyes opened as we kissed again, and she stared at me with a longing that said she was really enjoying herself. “You can cum in me...” she breathed between moans, “if you want...”

“Mmm... God, Molly... yes... I'm going to cum inside you... cum in your pussy...”

“Cum in my pussy, Quinn... I want it inside me...”

I began to swell in Molly's vagina as she tightened her grip on me. Each motion in and out brought me closer to release, and I did my best to live in the moment, to prolong it, then to kiss Molly and stare into her eyes as I started to erupt inside her body. “Oh, Molly... cumming in you... oh... cumming in your pussy...”

“Mmmm... cum in me, Quinn! Ohhhhhh...”

I fucked her slowly, each movement inside of her sending semen boiling out of my cock and into her vagina. Over and over, I spewed my potent seed into Molly's body, her cunt milking me, coaxing me to find one more squirt even when I thought I was done.

I rested over her, my cock held snuggly in her pussy, my cum trapped deep inside her body, against her cervix. We kissed again and held together for a long time before I finally slid off and lay beside her.

Molly stayed on her back a moment, legs spread, her reddish pussy gaping and leaking white sperm, her pubes matted and wet from our fluids and sweat. I ran my hand down between her legs and slowly caressed her labia, then circled her clit slowly. She started to hump against my fingers, moaning, cum drooling from her vagina. Molly cried out, her back arched, thighs clenching suddenly, and she climaxed hard, drawing her face to mine to kiss me as she came.

We rested together, cuddling, enjoying the closeness. The only thing she said to me before we drifted to sleep was, “is there anything you don't do with wonderful kindness?”

I didn't reply and was mostly able to keep the honest responses to that question pushed deep down in my thoughts.

End of Chapter 13

Read Chapter 14